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Here you’ll find information on general skills as well as specific figures that our Club Professionals will be looking for to see if you’re ready to advance to the next class.
We are currently offering Intermediate/Advanced combination classes where Intermediate patterns are taught with additional advanced embellishments for advanced students. This is done because due to space and hall availability and the level of demand we have experienced post Pandemic.
We are always looking for opportunities to expand the program to what it used to be pre-Pandemic. We monitor demand and respond to it. We are introducing American Intermediate Workshops as well as International Workshops to gauge the demand. If there is sufficient demand we will plan to make these part of our standard offerings.
Details on our latest Classes and workshops can be found HERE. They can be purchased HERE
If you are ready for Level 2 (Intermediate), you should have an understanding of the basic character and movement of each dance taught in level 1 (e.g., Waltz floats and Two Step smoothly travels around the dance floor, while Cha-Cha is a more stationary, Latin influenced dance). You should also be able to dance most of the basic figures of each dance taught in level 1 with:
Waltz | Rumba | East Coast Swing | Foxtrot | Cha Cha |
Box step | Box | Basic in open position | Basic | Side basic |
Left turning box | Left turning box | Basic in closed position | Rock turn to left | Progressive basic |
Progressive/Change steps | Side basic | Basic turning right and left and simple transfers between open and closed positions | Sway step | Crossover breaks |
Balance steps/Hesitations | 5th position breaks | Follower's underarm turns to right and left | Promenade | Walk-around turns |
Box with underarm turn | Crossover breaks | Cuddle/Wrap | Promenade underarm turn | Outside partner breaks |
Balance/Hesitation and box | Outside partner breaks | Hammerlock/Wringer | Backwards basic | Simple chase (progressive basic with no hands) |
Two Step | Night Club | Triple Two Step | Cha Cha |
Basic | Basic | Basic | Side Basic |
Promenade | Flat spin - follower's underarm turn to the right | Follower's flare (zig-zagging basic) | Forward and back basic |
Follower's outside turn | Side travelling basic | Follower's flare with underarm turn to the right (outside turn) | Crossover breaks |
Follower's outside turn from promenade | Left turning basic | Right turning loop | Outside partner breaks |
Wrap and walk out | Left turning basic with follower's inside turn (to the left) | Right turning loop with follower's underarm turn to the right (outside turn) | Fifth position breaks |
Wrap and check turn out | Right turning basic | Basket | Walk around turns for leader and follower |
1/2 couple rotation to the right | Right turning basic with follower's outside turn (to the right) | Left turning loop | Open break and underarm turn |
Couple rotation to the right | Walk around underarm turn | Left turning loop with follower's underarm turn to the left (inside turn) | Underarm turns for leader and follower |
Sweetheart and free spin out | Lace | Wrap | 3 Cha-cha-chas forwards and backwards |
Grapevine | Cross-body lead |
Waltz | Rumba | East Coast Swing | Cha Cha | Foxtrot |
Simple twinkle | Cross-body lead | Double face loop | Cross body lead | Zig zags inline |
Face to face and back to back | Crossover and side rocks | Back hand change with "swim" variation | Chase turns | Zig zags outside partner |
Face to face and back to back from box with underarm turn | Cross-body lead to open Cuban walks | Tuck and free spins with L to R or R to R hand holds | 3 cha cha chas | Rock turn to right |
Turn return | Open break to follower's underarm turn | Hand slide | Double crossovers with flick/check and walk around turn | Simple twinkle |
Right box | Shoulder catch | Sugar push | Chase challenges | Promenade twinkles (promenade to counter promenade and back to promenade) |
Cradle circles | Double overhead |
Waltz | Rumba | Foxtrot | Cha Cha | Tango |
Natural turn | Basic movements | Feather step | Basic movements | Walks |
Change steps/closed changes | New Yorks | Three step | New Yorks | Progressive side step |
Reverse turn | Spot turns/Underarm turns | Natural turn | Spot turns/Underarm turns | Progressive link |
Natural spin turn | Shoulder to shoulder | Reverse turn | Shoulder to shoulder | Closed promenade |
Whisks, forwards and backwards | Hand to hand | Closed impetus and feather finish | Hand to hand | Rock turn |
Chasse from promenade position | Progressive rocks | Natural weave | Three cha cha chas | Open reverse turn, follower's outside turn |
Closed impetus | Fan | Change of direction | Fan | Back corte |
Hesitation change | Alemana | Alemana | Open reverse turn, follower inline | |
Outside change | Hockey stick | Hockey stick | Left foot and right foot rocks | |
Progressive chasse to the right | Natural opening out movement | Natural opening out movement | Twist turn |
Waltz | Rumba | Foxtrot | Cha Cha | Tango |
Double reverse spin | Opening out right and left | Open impetus | Cuban breaks and split Cuban breaks | Progressive side step reverse turn |
Reverse pivot | Closed hip twist | Closed telemark | Closed hip twist | Open promenade |
Weaves, basic and from promenade | Open hip twist | Open telemark | Open hip twist | Natural promenade turn |
Open impetus | Fan (development) | Hover telemark | Fan (development) | Promenade link |
Closed telemark | Natural top | Natural telemark | Natural top | Four step |
Open telemark | Reverse top | Hover cross | Reverse top | Four step change |
Cross hesitation | Aida | Outside swivel | Aida | Brush tap |
Wing | Spiral | Weaves, basic and from promenade | Spiral | Back open promenade |
Turning lock | Curl | Top spin | Curl | Fall away promenade |
Outside spin | Rope spinning | Reverse wave | Rope spinning | Outside swivels |
Email: [email protected]
Mailing Address:
North Hill RPO
PO Box 65129
Calgary, Alberta
T2N 4T6
Enter your email and password to access your account and member-only features.
Standard Waiver
I agree that I hereby release and forever discharge The Calgary Dance Club, its officers, agents, assigns and employees of and from any and all actions, causes of action, claims and demands whatsoever in law or in equity which I, my heirs, executors, administrators or assigns can, shall or may have reason of damage, loss or injury my person or property howsoever caused, including negligent acts, which hereafter may be sustained by myself or arise as a result of receiving and taking any and all instruction from The Calgary Dance Club or arising as a result of my attendance at classes, workshops, social functions or other events as they may occur. I acknowledge that the services provided by The Calgary Dance Club are physical in nature and I hereby assume full responsibility for my own health, safety and well-being. I have read and understand the contents of the above waiver.
Privacy Policy
Policy Details:
Refund Policy
Policy Details:
The following are the only reasons refunds shall be issued once individuals have paid for classes:
Refunds shall be pro-rated based on the number of classes already taken.
Revised: September 7, 2010
Questions? Email us at [email protected]
Enter your email address and password to access intermediate and advanced classes, as well as member-only features.